Join us at Club Talavera’s Arts and Crafts Room to paint this great fall porch leaner in acrylics. Bring your own snacks and enjoy an afternoon with us being creative.
10” x 30”
$42.OO for stretched canvas - $42.00 for reclaimed wooden pallet. LIMITED SEATING
This event is for Verano Residents only. Enjoy and afternoon of relaxation and painting in the Arts and Crafts Room at Club Talavera. Join us and paint this 10” x 30” “Pastel Pumpkins” acrylic porch leaner painting. All materials are provided, just bring your own snacks and drinks. No experience needed! You will be guided step-by-step through the process and take home your own masterpiece. It’s a great way to spend a few hours relaxing and getting creative with a degreed artist.